Las Vegas, Nevada - The Clark County website,, has currently undergone site updates to ensure the security of the website on all General pages. When you visit, you may notice a message in the top left corner, next to the URL that reads "Not secure." Please do not be alarmed as this is a standard message during a transition or upgrade period on a website.

We are confident in assuring you that all applications on the County website that require payment or ask customers for personal pertinent data are secure. You will note when visiting pages such as Safekey registration, the Business License Renewal area of the website or ordering a marriage license or certificate, the page URL begins with "Https" to indicate the environment where the data is being captured and contained is secure. You will also note that necessary security steps have been in place for some time for our Election Department web pages that request personal or private information. 

The reason for the upgrade is to allow the County to keep in step with Google Chrome, a browser that many of our customers use. In recent months, Google decided to update and upgrade its software. As a result the County is in the process of making necessary improvements to ensure our compatibility with Google Chrome's software and other popular browsers such as Firefox. As we work through this transition period, customers may notice the "not secure" message in the top left corner near the URL. In the days to come, our staff will complete all necessary transitions and updates for full compatibility with Google Chrome browser tools and this will eliminate the "not secure" language currently visible. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we ask for your patience as we complete this upgrading project to ensure we provide the public with the best customer service possible. If you have any questions, please email them to the County webmaster email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..